During the past year, how many qualified leads have you attracted with your marketing…and then lost due to missed calls or a slow legal intake process?
How to Scale Up Your Business
More business can be a disaster. It can even put you out of business.
Improve Legal Intake through Strategic Marketing Planning
Think you don’t have time for “strategic planning” as part of your marketing process?
Customer Perception of Quality
What is great customer service? Think about the last time you called a vendor for help.
Importance of Planning
There is a lot of uncertainty in the air.
Are You Rewarding the Right Salespeople?
Identifying your A players is vital for success.
On-Call Answering Service
Hurricane Sandy has been a cautionary tale.
Telephone Holiday Coverage
The holidays are right around the corner. They fall one right after the other, and without proper planning, they can wreak havoc with your sales and customer service processes.
Lead Response Time
In September, everyone’s thoughts inevitably touch on 9/11. During my last trip to New York City I went on a boat tour of the Hudson.
The Value of an Effective Communication Strategy
This is a tale of two companies. Their experiences clearly illustrate the importance of an effective communication strategy to your bottom line.