Values don’t mean much if they are just a list of items created to make a business sound good. Values need to be about what your staff actually does. When something unexpected happens, what do you want your employees to use as their guide to decide the right course of action?
We were able to get down to the real bottom line by asking ourselves a couple of questions about our actual behavior. All of our actions came down to three core values.
1. We focus on results.
- We are willing to go the extra mile to get the best outcome.
- Our company can only exist if we are providing real value.
2. We keep our commitments.
- We show people they can count on us.
- Dependability is what sets our company apart from others.
3. We show people we care.
- We project a patient and caring attitude.
- We are in the business of customer service.
These are the real guidelines we use when we work with our clients and their callers, with our vendors and with each other.